The last update of this document was on 2023-12-15. It may be outdated in some parts.
Introduction and Goals
To align the identity, authentication and data exchange of participants with the open and decentralized concepts within GAIA-X, especially self-sovereign identities, every legal entity associated to a Business Partner Network (BPN) number should have the possibility to also get a W3C compliant Decentralized Identifier (DID). Due to the lack of production-ready SSI infrastructure and slow adoption on the market, this is in a first step achieved by providing a managed wallet with a private/public key pair and related DID for a legal entity along with the onboarding. This wallet can then be used via the Managed Identity Wallet API by other services or applications such as the Self Description Hub or the Eclipse Dataspace Connectro (EDC) to issue and retrieve Verifiable Credentials and create Verifiable Presentations on behalf of a certain legal entity as part of governance processes and use cases. In later steps, the same DID and credentials can be transferred to an external wallet managed by the legal entity itself, allowing self-sovereign data management and communication. A company can already bring its own DID upon onboarding and register it as a self-managed wallet for later interactions with managed wallets for credential and presentation exchange.
Requirements Overview
The basic requirements for the Managed Identity Wallet are as follows:
Establish a base DID and associated base wallet as trust anchor for issuing operator related Verifiable Credentials
Link each BPN to a unique DID distinguishing two cases
managed: create and register a new DID and managed wallet, and allow the owners or administrators of the BPN to access the related wallet and credentials via a REST API
self-managed: connect an existing DID and external wallet provided by the owner or administrator of the BPN in order to issue verifiable credentials to and request presentations from the related DID (not in scope)
Allow other service or user interface components as well as DID owners themselves to issue and store Verifiable Credentials
Allow other service or user interface components as well as DID owners themselves to create and validate Verifiable Credentials
Issue and revoke Verifiable Credentials for consortium related data such as the BPN, membership status, business partner data (addresses, bank data etc.) according to the onboarding and change processes
Allow (defined / allow-listed) external issuer wallets to connect to managed wallets and issue credentials for the managed wallet DID as the holder
Quality Goals
Title of Goal | Description and Reason |
Security | The Managed Identity Wallet Service must be highly secure in terms of storage and access control, since it handles sensitive private key and claim information. |
Scalability | The Managed Identity Wallet Service must scale to the expected amount of participants without significant decrease of execution time. |
Maintainability | The Managed Identity Wallet Service should be structured in a modular way and re-use existing (open-source) components, frameworks and libraries where possible, so it can be extended and maintained in an efficient way. |
The key stakeholders of the component are:
Operating Company: to be compliant with SSI concepts, especially for Verifiable Presentations in GAIA-X compliant self descriptions
EDC operators: to be able to use SSI based identity and access management for the communication between data consumer and provider
Architecture Constraints
The architecture of the Managed Identity Wallet Service follows the general principles, guidelines and boundaries from the Tractus-X project. You can find more details and documentation on the Tractus-X GitHub page.
System Scope and Context
The Managed Identity Wallet Service is used as a backend service for service composition or related components like EDC, but can also connect peer-to-peer with other DID agents.
Business Context
Technical Context
Solution Strategy
The Managed Identity Wallet is implemented as an independent REST API service using the following technology stack:
- Java 17 as a base programming language
- SpringBoot as an encompassing framework
- PostgreSQL as a database backend
- Gradle as a build tool
- Hashicorp Vault for secrets management
- Dockerized setup for Kubernetes with Helm
Building Block View
Big Picture View
This diagram is a zoomed out view of the MIW and the components it interacts with.
Overall System
The service consists of a main API implementation using SpringBoot and a PostgreSQL database for persistance.
The Java code is organized by responsibilities, e.g. routers, services, repositories, etc.
Runtime View
The currently released API specification and documentation (INT environment) can be found under
In general, the API covers the following functionality:
- Create, delete and read managed wallets
- Create and update business partner data related credentials
- Manage DID document of the DID of a managed wallet (currently supports only creating and updating service endpoints)
- Generate and persist Verifiable Credentials issued by a particular identifier of a managed wallet or the base wallet
- Create a Verifiable Presentation for a given list of VCs and presenter (as identifier of a managed wallet)
- Validate Verifiable Presentations (convenience functionality, currently only supports Indy DIDs as issuers or holders)
- Register self-managed wallets based on an existing DID
In the following, the most relevant operations are described as sequence diagrams.
Create Wallet
title Create Wallet
actor User as user
participant PortalIDP as keycloak
participant ManagedIdentityWallet as MIW
box "Get Accesstoken"
user -> keycloak: Get AccessToken
keycloak --> user: AccessToken
end box
group "Create Wallet"
box "Create Wallet"
user -> MIW: "/api/wallet" with BPN and Name
group "Wallet Creation"
MIW -> MIW: Create Database entry
MIW -> MIW: Create Private and Public Key
MIW -> MIW: Store Private Key AES encrypted in DB
MIW -> MIW: Create DID:web Document
MIW -> MIW: Store DID-Document
end group
group "BPN Credential"
MIW -> MIW: Create BPN Credential
MIW -> MIW: Sign JSON-LD BPN Credential with issuer private key (Private Key of Issuer Wallet)
MIW -> MIW: Store BPN Credential
end group
group "Summary Credential"
MIW -> MIW: Access User Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Check if Summary Credential is already Created
MIW -> MIW: Check BPN Credential is not already in Summary Credential
MIW -> MIW: Create Summary Credential with BPN
MIW -> MIW: Store Summary Credential in Issuer Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Store Summary Credential in Holder Wallet
end group
MIW --> user: Return Wallet
end box
end group
Issue Membership Credential
title Issue Membership Credential
actor User as User
participant PortalIDP as keycloak
participant ManagedIdentityWallet as MIW
box "Get Accesstoken"
User -> keycloak: Get AccessToken
keycloak --> User: AccessToken
end box
group "Issue Membership"
User -> MIW: "/api/credentials/issuer/membership" with BPN
group "Create Membership Credential"
MIW -> MIW: Create Use Case Credential
MIW -> MIW: Sign JSON-LD Use Case Credential with issuer private key (Private Key of Issuer Wallet)
MIW -> MIW: Store Credential in Issuer Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Store Credential in Holder Wallet
end group
group "Summary Credential"
MIW -> MIW: Access User Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Check if Summary Credential is already Created
MIW -> MIW: Check Membership Credential is not already in Summary Credential
MIW -> MIW: Delete Summary Credential in User Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Create Summary Credential with specific Use Case
MIW -> MIW: Store Summary Credential in Issuer Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Store Summary Credential in Holder Wallet
end group
MIW --> User: Return signed Membership Credential
end group
Issue Usecase Credential
title Issue UseCaseFrameworkCredential
actor User as User
participant PortalIDP as keycloak
participant ManagedIdentityWallet as MIW
box "Get Accesstoken"
User -> keycloak: Get AccessToken
keycloak --> User: AccessToken
end box
group "Issue UseCaseCredential"
User -> MIW: "/api/credentials/issuer/framework" with (BPN, Type, ContractVersion, ContractTemplate)
group "Use Case Credential"
MIW -> MIW: Create Use Case Credential
MIW -> MIW: Sign JSON-LD Use Case Credential with issuer private key (Private Key of Issuer Wallet)
MIW -> MIW: Store Credential in Issuer Wallet
end group
group "Summary Credential"
MIW -> MIW: Access User Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Check if Summary Credential is already Created
MIW -> MIW: Check Use Case Credential is not already in Summary Credential
MIW -> MIW: If not delete Summary Credential in User Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Create Summary Credential with specific Use Case
MIW -> MIW: Store Summary Credential in Issuer Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Store Summary Credential in Holder Wallet
end group
MIW --> User: Return signed Use Case Credential
end group
Issue Dismantler Credential
title Issue Dismantler Credential
actor User as User
participant PortalIDP as keycloak
participant ManagedIdentityWallet as MIW
box "Get Accesstoken"
User -> keycloak: Get AccessToken
keycloak --> User: AccessToken
end box
group "Issue Dismantler Credential"
User -> MIW: "/api/credentials/issuer/dismantler" with bpn, activityType, allowedVehicleBrands
group "Create Dismantler Credential"
MIW -> MIW: Create Dismantler Credential
MIW -> MIW: Sign JSON-LD Dismantler Credential with issuer private key (Private Key of Issuer Wallet)
MIW -> MIW: Store Credential in Issuer Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Store Credential in Holder Wallet
end group
group "Summary Credential"
MIW -> MIW: Access User Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Check if Summary Credential is already Created
MIW -> MIW: Check Dismantler Credential is not already in Summary Credential
MIW -> MIW: Delete Summary Credential in User Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Create Summary Credential with Dismantler added
MIW -> MIW: Store Summary Credential in Issuer Wallet
MIW -> MIW: Store Summary Credential in Holder Wallet
end group
MIW --> User: Return signed Dismantler Credential
end group
Fetch Summary Verifiable Presentation
title Fetch SummaryVP
actor User as User
participant PortalIDP as keycloak
participant ManagedIdentityWallet as MIW
box "Get Accesstoken"
User -> keycloak: Get AccessToken
keycloak --> User: AccessToken
end box
group "Get Summary VP"
group "Get Summary Credential"
User -> MIW: "/api/credentials?type=['SummaryCredential']"
MIW -> MIW: Lookup Credential in Wallet with Type
MIW --> User: Return Credential(s) with Type
end group
group "Create Summary Presentation"
User -> MIW: "/api/presentations?withAudience=['Audience1','Audience2']+asJwt=true"
MIW -> MIW: Issue VP with Audience as JWT
MIW --> User: Return signed Presentation
end group
end group
Validate Verifiable Presentation
title Issue Membership Credential
actor User as User
participant PortalIDP as keycloak
participant ManagedIdentityWallet as MIW
box "Get Accesstoken"
User -> keycloak: Get AccessToken
keycloak --> User: AccessToken
end box
group "Verify/Validate Verifiable Presentation"
User -> MIW: "/api/presentations/validation?withDateValidation=true" with VP
group "Presentation Validation"
MIW -> MIW: Validate Presentation JsonLD
MIW -> MIW: Verify Presentation Signature
end group
group "Credential Validation"
MIW -> MIW: Extract VCs
MIW -> MIW: Check Credential is not expired
MIW -> MIW: Validate Credential JsonLD
MIW -> MIW: Verify Credential Signature
end group
MIW --> User: Return Valid or Invalid + Reason
end group
Permission Handling
An IAM external service, such as Keycloak, authenticates users based on a JWT bearer token. Each API operation requires specific scopes/roles to execute the requested operation. Additionally the BPN associated with a user (expected as a claim in the JWT) is considered when restricting access. The following scopes are defined:
A decoded JWT access token might look like this:
# header
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
# body
"sub": "1234",
"name": "Max Musterman",
"iat": 1516239022,
"scope": "view_wallets view_wallet",
"bpn": "BPN00000000XS2X"
# signature
This token would authorize the holder to get a list of wallets or view the wallet belonging to the BPN.
Data Model / Schemas
The Managed Identity Wallet service issues a couple of Verifiable Credentials with the DID of the base wallet as issuer related to membership and business partner data. The GitHub repository defines a custom JSON-LD schema for those credential types and data model. The Verifiable Credentials reference the raw content of the context in The schema defines the following credential types:
Note: all examples highlight the important parts in yellow. The value types are enclosed in brackets for brevity. Some examples:
represents a BPN number such as"BPN00000000XS2X"
represents a DID, e.g."did:example:123"
is an ISO8601 formatted timestamp, e.g."2023-02-28T10:21:31Z"
is a UUIDv4 type of UUID, e.g.f01d7219-d1aa-48c6-beaa-9e433e80ac79
is a URL-type of ID, but with extended characters, e.g. `""
BPN Credential
"@context": [
"id": "[uuid]",
"type": [
"issuer": "[did]",
"issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[did]"
"type": "BpnCredential",
"bpn": "[bpn]"
Behavior Twin Use Case Credential
"@context": [
"id": "[IRI]",
"issuer": "[did]",
"type": [
"issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"expirationDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[did]",
"holderIdentifier": "[bpn]",
"usecase-agreement": {
"value": "Behavior Twin",
"type": "cx-behavior-twin",
"contract-template": "",
"contract-version": "1.0.0"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"jws": "[jws]",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "[did#key-id]"
Membership Credential
Attestation of membership, currently used for Catena-X membership
"@context": [
"id": "[uuid]",
"type": [
"issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"expirationDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"issuer": "[did]",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[did]"
"type": "MembershipCredential",
"holderIdentifier": "[bpn]",
"memberOf": "Catena-X",
"status": "Active",
"startTime": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
Dismantler Credential
"@context": [
"id": "[uuid]",
"issuer": "[did]",
"type": [
"issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"expirationDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[did]",
"holderIdentifier": "[bpn]",
"allowedVehicleBrands": [
"[brand 1]",
"[brand 2]",
"[brand 3]"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"jws": "[jws]",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "[did#key-id]"
PCF Use Case Credential
"@context": [
"id": "[uuid]",
"issuer": "[did]",
"type": [
"issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"expirationDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]", //Optional field
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[did]",
"holderIdentifier": "[bpn]",
"usecaseAgreement": {
"value": "PCF",
"type": "cx-pcf",
"contract-template": "",
"contract-version": "1.0.0"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"jws": "[jws]",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "[did#key-id]"
Quality Use Case Credential
"@context": [
"id": "[uuid]",
"issuer": "[did]",
"type": [
"issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"expirationDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[did]",
"holderIdentifier": "[bpn]",
"usecase-agreement": {
"value": "Quality",
"type": "cx-quality",
"contract-template": "",
"contract-version": "1.0.0"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"jws": "[jws]",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "[did#key-id]"
Resiliency Use Case Credential
"@context": [
"id": "[uuid]",
"issuer": "[did]",
"type": [
"issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"expirationDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[did]",
"holderIdentifier": "[bpn]",
"usecase-agreement": {
"value": "Resiliency",
"type": "cx-resiliency",
"contract-template": "",
"contract-version": "1.0.0"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"jws": "[jws]",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "[did#key-id]"
Sustainability Use Case Credential
"@context": [
"id": "[uuid]",
"issuer": "[did]",
"type": [
"issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"expirationDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[did]",
"holderIdentifier": "[bpn]",
"usecase-agreement": {
"value": "Sustainability",
"type": "cx-sustainability",
"contract-template": "",
"contract-version": "1.0.0"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"jws": "[jws]",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "[did#key-id]"
Trace Use Case Credential
"@context": [
"id": "[uuid]",
"issuer": "[did]",
"type": [
"issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"expirationDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]", //Optional field
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[did]",
"holderIdentifier": "[bpn]",
"usecaseAgreement": {
"value": "ID_3.0_Trace",
"type": "cx-traceability",
"contract-template": "",
"contract-version": "1.0.0",
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "[iso8601-timestamp]",
"jws": "[jws]",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "[did#key-id]"
Summary Credential (scheduled for deprecation)
The flow of creating a summary credential
{ "@context": [ "", "", "" ], "id": "[uuid]", "issuer": "[did]", "type": [ "VerifiableCredential", "SummaryCredential" ], "issuanceDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]", "expirationDate": "[iso8601-timestamp]", //Optional field "credentialSubject": { "id": "[did]", "holderIdentifier": "[bpn]", }, "proof": { "type": "JsonWebSignature2020", "created": "[iso8601-timestamp]", "jws": "[jws]", "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod", "verificationMethod": "[did#key-id]" } }
A description of the overall structure of components including how to run and test it locally as well as on Kubernetes in the cloud is available in the GitHub repository:
The INT/DEV deployment is done using Helm charts. The charts are located in the
sub-directory of the repository. The charts are picked up by
ArgoCD and executed, resulting in
a INT/DEV deployment into the respective Kubernetes cluster. ArgoCD polls the
GitHub status continuously and executes the Helm charts when a new commit is
detected on one of the target branches, e.g. "main". A benefit of ArgoCD is that it
automatically detects variables from the Helm charts and displays them in the
ArgoCD UI.
Taskfile aids the local development setup, the README of the main repository includes detailed usage instructions.
Guiding Concepts
The main driver behind the Managed Identity Wallet Service was the compliance and compatibility with W3C SSI standards in relation to GAIA-X principles. The solution references, and uses a couple of standards and re-usable open-source components:
- W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)
- W3C Verifiable Credentials Core Data Model
- W3C JSON-LD Basic Concepts
- W3C Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE, NOTE: the JsonWebSignature2020 is discontinued
Design Decisions
The working group made several decisions during the sprint work and further development of the Managed Identity Wallet Service.
Selection of DID method
For simplicity-sake we've chosen the did:web
method, as it is easy to
implement and reason about. We are fully aware that this method is not 100%
distributed as there is still a centralized body issuing the DNS records, but
it will accelerate the development and adoption of SSI and MIW technologies,
which will lead to the implementation of more complex did methods.
Quality Requirements
The work being done on the project has been focused on creating a base implementation of the Managed Identity Wallet Service. The current state has compromised on some aspects to further progress the development. The Risks and Technical Depts section addresses those points in greater detail. Nevertheless we've focused on Security and Deployability.
The Managed Identity Wallet sticks to the following Quality Gate requirements where relevant and applicable:
- Documentation: Architecture
- Documentation: Administrator's Guide
- Documentation: Interfaces
- Documentation: Source Code
- Documentation: Development Process
- Documentation: Standardization - Interoperability and Data Sovereignty
- Compliance: GDPR
- Test Results: Deployment/Installation
- Test Results: Code Quality Analysis
- Test Results: System Integration Tests
- Security & Compliance: Penetration Tests
- Security & Compliance: Threat Modeling
- Security & Compliance: Static Application Security Testing
- Security & Compliance: Dynamic Application Security Testing
- Security & Compliance: Secret scanning
- Security & Compliance: Software Composition Analysis
- Security & Compliance: Container Scan
- Security & Compliance: Infrastructure as Code
Technical Debts
DID Technical Debts
- DID document only covers varification method. No service endpoints
MIW Technical Debts
- No real tenant system
- Private Keys are AES encrypted and stored in the MIW Postgres database
- No revocation service available
- Summary Credential used as a token.
- Only 1 verifiable credential (VC) in a verifiable presentation (VP) possible
- Summary VC (S-VC) created with the private key of the auhtority
- DID documents are stored in the MIW
- Summary VC always get deleted when new CX-Credential is added to the MIW
- The creation of CX-Credential is located in the MIW, should be a dedicated service outside of the wallet service
- Only managed wallet available. No self-mangaged wallet
- No Issuer Registry. Only one trusted issuer available
- Download of VC to own wallet not possible
- No varifiable data registry in place
- No key rotation
- No update possibility for credentials, they need to be deleted and new ones generated
Verifiable Credential
- CX-Credentials are not consistent
- Only Summary Credential will be used because of the http header limition of 8KB
Verifiable Presentation Protocol (VVP)
The Verifiable Presentation Protocol (VPP) is designed to address the problem of resolving Verifiable Presentations and other claims when they cannot be passed as part of a client request. The VPP is represented The Data Consumer wants exchange data with a yet foreign Data Provider. Hence, the Data Consumer creates a permission for the Data Provider containing all grants and information needed. The Data Consumer wants exchange data with a yet foreign Data Provider. Hence, the Data Consumer creates a permission for the Data Provider containing all grants and information needed.
REMARK: Self-issued: no external CA involved in creation and/ or validation of exchanged tokens!
Secure Token Service (STS)
The Secure Token Service is supposed the supply the tokens required to realise the VVP.
Example Use Case Illustrated
The example requested demanding the preparing grant is: GET catalog And data consumer wants to issue that request against the data provider.
Declaring file: VVP Flow Declaration
SSI Library
- No validation for JsonWebSignature2020 with RSA key
- No Security valdition only Sercurity Assessment done, no attack vectors are tested
Term | Description |
JWT | A "JWT" (JSON Web Token) is a compact and self-contained token format used for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. |
Gaia-X | Gaia-X is a European initiative aimed at creating a secure and federated data infrastructure that promotes data sovereignty, interoperability, and transparency, fostering a collaborative and trustworthy ecosystem for data sharing and utilization across various sectors and industries. |
Portal | The portal is used for the registration/onboarding process of companies and includes the login, user management and the initial registration and verification. |
Decentralized Identifier (DID) | Decentralized Identifiers are a type of identifiers that are published on decentralized infrastructure making them tamper-proof and highly secure. (more) |
Claim | A Claim is a statement or piece of information made by an entity, often included in tokens like JWTs or Verifiable Credentials, providing specific details about an individual, object, or attribute, which can be used for authentication, authorization, or verification purposes. |
Verifiable Credential | A Verifiable Credential is a digitally signed attestation of a specific fact or attribute about an entity, enabling secure and tamper-proof sharing of information. |
Holder | A Holder is an individual or entity that possesses and controls a digital credential or Verifiable Presentation, enabling them to present authenticated information about themselves or their attributes to verifiers in a secure and tamper-proof manner. |
Issuer | An Issuer is an entity or system responsible for creating and issuing digital credentials or Verifiable Credentials, providing authenticated information about individuals, objects, or attributes, which can be reliably presented and verified by others in various applications and contexts. |
Verifiable Presentation | A Verifiable Presentation is a digitally signed collection of Verifiable Credentials that provides a secure and tamper-proof way to present and share authenticated information about an entity's attributes or qualifications. |
Verifier | A Verifier is an entity or system responsible for validating and verifying the authenticity and integrity of digital signatures and claims presented in Verifiable Credentials or presentations. |
Managed Identity Wallet | A Managed Identity Wallet is a secure digital repository that centrally manages and stores various forms of digital identity information, such as credentials, Verifiable Credentials, and keys, providing convenient access and controlled sharing while ensuring privacy and security. |
This work is licensed under the Apache-2.0.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021,2023 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
- Source URL: